Dumpster-Container Sizes

Dittmer Recycling provides dumpster rental services for Dubuque and the surrounding area. We have a wide variety of container and dumpster sizes for rent. For sizes, see the list below.

two yard dumpster

2-YARD DUMPSTER41”(L) x 81” (W) x 45” (H)

four yard dumpster

4-YARD DUMPSTER55” (L) x 81” (W) x 64” (H)

six yard dumpster

6-YARD DUMPSTER74” (L) x 81” (W) x 64” (H)

eight yard dumpster

8-YARD DUMPSTER82” (L) x 81” (W) x 75” (H)

eight yard trailer

8-YARD AND TRAILER82” (L) x 81” (W) x 75” (H)

eleven yard dump trailer


thirty yard roll off dumpster

30-YARD ROLL-OFF22’ (L) x 8’ (W) x 6’ (H)

forty yard roll off dumpster

40-YARD ROLL-OFF22’ (L) x 8’ (W) x 8’ (H)

For Dumpster rentals in Dubuque and the surrounding area, Call 563.583.3381